  Eckhard Weigt

Born March 3rd, 1958

Initially studied percussion instruments at Dortmund College of Music (Musikhochschule). Switched shortly thereafter to the tenor saxophone, receiving saxophone-specific instruction from Prof. R. G. Buschmann.

Majored in applied electronics and mathematics at Munich Polytechnic (TU München), leading to teaching credential.

On a wave of unbroken musical enthusiasm, Weigt remained active in various musical arrangements/groups in the greater Nuremburg metropolitan area.

Manages his own projects from time to time. Resulting in CD publications such as the MONS production of Two Colours – One Soul, with Christian Doepke on piano, Michael Arlt on guitar, Henning Sieverts on bass, and Falk Willis on drums.

The year 2001 brings publication of the ORGANIC MUSIC CD Standard Moods, in creative collaboration with Martin Schrack on piano, Thomas Stabenow on bass, and Guido May on drums.

Current projects and releases can be viewed at "Music".
There you also find some music in mp3 - format.